Saturday, January 3, 2009

Holiday trip

Photos from Jeff and my trip to Corpus Christi, TX visiting family.  My Mom and Dad staying with my Sis in her house and Jeff and I at Island House condo on the beach.  Photo above are walnut, chocolate chip cookies made for the trip.

View from our condo looking north up the Gulf beach

Our fishing boat

Jeff and Dalton, his friend from HS who was staying nearby with his Grandpa, they were also down for Xmas break.

The boat's catch for the 8 hr trip, we went out 2 1/2 hrs into the Gulf, about 30 miles out, fishing in 80 - 120 ' water.  Windy day with waves 6 - 8 '.

Sand shark Dalton caught, weight 70 #.  The four of us also went out 2 yrs ago and another guy caught a 120# shark on that trip.

Another tough day of fishin'

View from our condo looking down the seawall, beach immediately below the 5 ' sea wall.

Xmas gifts from Mom, all she knitted.  Right one is from Juaquetta's yarn and other Wlmart yarn.

Sunrise.......can you tell why I keep returning to this beach year after year when it's a high of 5 here in lovely Minn, why do we live here again?   .......oh yeah....quality of life?


wildknits said...

Nice pictures of the trip.

Lots of fish! 6-8 foot waves would have done me in though. Boys sleeping due to dramamine???

We live here cuz lack of seasons is boring and we don't get hurricanes ;->

Swimming, biking and running! said...

Dalton may have had dramamine, none for Jeff, I know for myself, I used a lot of energy just trying to stand on the pitching deck, esp when fishing on the bow, at each stop they anchored, bow into wind. Reminded me of my trip back from Isle Royale, only waves a bit bigger. A hurricane's direct hit on Padre would be devastating, when walking the beach you can look over the dunes, see the intercoastal waterway and the mainland, at some points, darn gorgeous otherwise tho.